Metallic Silica

Magmett supplies the industry with continuous and high quality raw materials through contracts with different primary metallic silica producers and spot markets.

Metal silicon is made generally from silicon, ferro, aluminum and calcium.
Metal silicon or Metallic Silica are used to replace heavier cast iron parts, automative parts such as engine blocks, they can be also used in Steel and Aluminum Industry.

The reason of metal silicon is divided into categories such as 5.5.3 and 4.4.1 etc is beacuse of its three main impurity contents such as iron, aluminum and calcium.

Silicon content of 553 is 98.7%, while the silicon content of 441 is 99.1%


4.4.1 grade Metal Silicon can improve the properties of aluminum such as castability, hardness and strength.

Chemical Specifications of 4.4.1 grade Silicon Metal

5.5.3 grade Metal Silicon can improve the properties of Aluminum such as castability,hardness and strength.

By adding silicon in to the aluminum process you can have strong and light products.

Chemical Specifications of 5.5.3 grade Silicon Metal